AR & MR Week

The main focus of Digital Den’s work has been on VR, but that doesn’t mean that AR and MR haven’t been on the radar, and they became even more true this week because of a couple of events.

First, on Thursday, November 17th, the Boston Unity Group (BUG) hosted the Meetup Building Mixed Reality Experiences with the Microsoft HoloLens where Gavin Bauman of Microsoft showed how to use Unity 3D to author applications for Microsoft’s HoloLens. It was actually pretty amazing to find out how easy it is to transfer Unity 3D VR skills to AR/MR.
Gavin Bauman of Microsoft, Hololens Demo

Then on Saturday, November 19th, both AR and VR were front and center stage at MIT’s Hacking Arts conference, and the panel Remixing our Senses was particularly valuable, and provided some serious food for thought. Among other things, there were numerous AR and MR applications discussed and demonstrated, and by the end it was pretty clear that Digital Den needs to get more serious about investing in AR and MR in addition to the our established base of VR hardware and software.

It looks like it is time for us to start getting our feet wet in AR/MR. Watch for more news on this front in the future.